Baptism is the beginning of our faith and our gateway into the Church. In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ’s call to holiness. We are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with ever deeper love.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebrates the baptism on every individual with joy.
Baptism at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
To help you navigate the process of baptism at OLMC, whether it is for an infant, youth or as an adult, we suggest you contact us to help you understand the requirements and when they occur.
Welcoming Your Child
For new parents, we ask you to participate in the “Welcoming Your Child” Baptism Preparation Ministry. This program prepares parents to more fully understand the Sacrament of Baptism as it blesses and welcomes their child into a community of faith. We will focuse on marriage and parenting as God’s call to holiness and by explaining the ceremony, symbolism, and procedures of the sacrament.
To schedule participation in a Welcoming Your Child Parent Session, please contact the Parish Office at (708) 344-4140.
- The Child who will baptized has to be registered at least one month prior to the day of Baptism.
- To register, parents have to bring to the rectory the Child’s birth certificate and the sponsors’ (if a couple) Religious Marriage certificate, (if single) Confirmation certificate.
- Parents and Sponsors have to attend a Pre-Baptismal preparation class in order to baptize the child.
Preparation Class will be held in the Scalabrini Room (rectory basement) the first Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM. Baptism Certificate can be picked up the following week of the baptism during rectory hours.
First Communion
- Attend induction meeting
- Attendance at each session (only 3 excused absences are allowed)
- Attend monthly meetings (Parent of child)
- Mass attendance.
- Act of Baptism.
- Make full payment.
- For the Introduction to faith must be 6 years old.
- Course for Pre-Communion must be 7 years old and begin the second grade of school. O children first catechism 8 and 9 years old.
- Be on 6th grade of school or “quinceañeras” who have not done the pre-confirmation.
- Have a First Communion Certificate.
- The students, who made pre-confirmation one year previous, are considered.
- 2 years in faith education are required.
- Make full payment.
For Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God’s values. Contact the priest at least six months in advance.
The information below is to assist in the preparation of your wedding. For us Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage is sacred and serious commitment, so it is important to have a good preparation.
Months prior to the wedding, you will be very busy in preparations and other activities required for the event. An aspect that should not neglect your spiritual preparation, essential part that requires the Sacrament of Marriage.
Here are some ideas that may help them in your spiritual preparation:
- Begin this special time living in a state of grace, making a good confession and during this time, preparing to live a married life through instructional books and be an active volunteer in the Church.
- If there are any habits or vices in your lives that are not conducive to live as Christians (drugs, alcohol, contraceptive use, etc.), this is the time to correct in their lives so they can live as true Christians and as husband or wife.
- If you have not engaged in any retirement or spiritual reflection, now is the best opportunity for you to learn more about our faith. For more information, call the Parish Office and ask for programs Family Ministry and, if necessary, by the Religious Education Program for Adults.
For this important Sacrament, that the Parish Priest will celebrate with you, the following requirements are essential / documents for the opening a record (everything must be completed one month before the ceremony).
Pre-Marriage Presentation: make an appointment with a priest of the parish, calling the office.
1.1 Presentation of Bride & Groom (Prenuptial Questionnaire). The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain all the information about the biographical background of the couple, as well as ensure that they have real intention to marry, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. It is included all the information necessary for the Church. Also it is confirmed if the couple are free to marry.
Certificates of Baptism and Confirmation: these certificates must be of recent date, that is issued within six months prior to the wedding date. They must be original certificates with the corresponding stamp of the parish and therefore no photocopies will be accepted. And for those who are baptized in other non-Catholic churches, a copy of your Baptism is required and fill out a waiver form (talk to the priest about it).
Marriage License: You can get it from City Court of residence. Keep in mind that this license is valid for TWO months only, the wedding should be done, therefore, within the next 60 days, or if they are already married by civil, submit an original certificate and copies for validity (validate).
Pre-marriage courses (Pre-Cana): Besides meeting with the priest, it is necessary to attend this marriage preparation course (usually takes place on Saturday).
Marry in the Catholic Church is a true confession of faith to the Christian community, which requires maturity from the groom & bride, in the same faith, and needs adequate preparation, for it must attend premarital courses through which, you will receive a whole spiritual training on topics such as Human Person, Keys for coexistence, Communication in Marriage, Love and Communion Responsible Fatherhood and Meaning of Marriage, Sexuality, Spirituality Family and Marriage. The workshop premarital will not be a formality more than the bulky double agenda, but the chance to restore its value to the sacrament. These classes are offered by the Archdiocese of Chicago (ask the priest options offered).
You can register at or phone 312-534-8201
Waiver/ Permit: (only if necessary). This form should be used when it comes to requesting and granting permits and waivers under canon law to respect Mixed Religion Disparity of Worship, etc.
- Wedding Ceremony: Ceremony of Marriage, usually takes place at Mass, when both are Catholic. The Rite does not take place during Mass when one of the two is not Catholic or when the two being Catholics decide to hold only the Rite of Marriage without the Mass.
- Biblical Readings: There are certain options for the readings and responsorial psalm in the Rite of Marriage. If you want to choose them, please, agree with the Priest. Readers should be able to clearly proclaim the Word of God.
- Music: Marriage will be held in a sacred place and therefore must be sacred music (Church Music) no songs with love stories, or novels, etc. Many people are unfamiliar with the songs or music that can be played or sung in a Catholic wedding, therefore, it is very important that you select the songs with the approval of the priest.
Here’s a list of some choirs that can accompany the celebration with liturgical songs.
English: Ann Marie Nabor 708-825-3462
Spanish: Víctor 708-543-4354 Letty 630-640-7508 Nicolás 708-681-1969
*** You can have another chorus or band to sing at the wedding, the only condition that is asked is that touch and sing religious songs (Church). Payment of them corresponds behalf of you. - Symbols: Enough are rings, but in some cultures it is customary symbols like: Arras, Cushions, Bible and Rosary, Unity Candles, etc., please talk to the priest about the symbols you have chosen.
- Pictures: Many parishes, due to bad experiences that have occurred, do not allow to take pictures inside the Temple. Here in our church is allowed to take pictures and record videos. When choosing photographers, please, give them to meet the following requirements.
5.1 The photos and video in the Church is a privilege, the Church is not a study.
5.2 The photographer must not interfere with the wedding celebration.
5.3 Do not use the flash when they are proclaiming the readings.
5.4 The Presbytery (the area of Altar) is a sacred area, therefore, the photographer should not be in that part of the Temple or be circulating in the area.
5.5 After completion of the celebration, the photographer will have 15 minutes to take some extra pictures in the Temple. - Ornaments at the Temple: Parish offers different possibilities and prices, for more information talk with the secretary.
- Dress: “Seek always the simplicity and modesty, which are undoubtedly the best way to express the beauty”. These words of St. Francis of Sales should be considered by the two when choosing your wedding dress, especially bearing in mind that the wedding will take place at the House of the Lord.
- Wedding Rehearsal: The wedding rehearsal usually takes a few days before the ceremony, with the participation of all people who have an active role in the ceremony: The bride, groom, maid of honor and best man, sponsors, readers, etc. Please include others determined by the pastoral minister, priest, or deacon. They are informed that there will be the day of trial confessions, so they are asked to do so in advance. In consideration of those responsible for the rehearsal, please, be on time and remember all those who will take part in the trial, they must also be timely, properly dressed and behave decently in the Temple.
- Children who participate in the ceremony: Must be enough age that they understand what they have to do and do it properly.
- The Offer: Here in the Church are asked an offering, being a percentage is done by scoring the ceremony on the calendar and the rest one month before the wedding. This does not include the choir or organist for music, nor the arrangements of the Temple. * Ask at the office.
- Punctuality: Absolutely everyone must be on time in the temple, both the rehearsal and the Wedding Day. Those who are to take part in the Celebration of Marriage must be at least 15 minutes before the ceremony. For your safety, you are not allowed to throw rice, confetti or rose petals natural in the temple or leave it.
- Wedding Day: Congratulations! Your big day has arrived. Enjoy this day with family and friends while you begin your commitment to eternal life together. *** If any of you contracted prior to this marriage and divorced (a), or has been canceled, please communicate this at the first interview the priest in charge of the marriage arrangement.
REMEMBER to complete the Pre-Marriage Records is required:
+ Marriage Presentation (includes Pre-nuptial Questionnaire and the Affidavit of two witnesses for each of the parties).
+ A recent Certificate of Baptism and Confirmation (issued within 6 months prior to the date of the wedding).
+ Pre-Marital Workshop (PRE-CANA).
+ The Marriage License.
+ Requests for permission, waiver or Nihil Obstat if they are necessary. All these documents are required for your wedding celebration, if this is missing, not may be undertaken Celebration of his marriage.
NOTE: Please call for an appointment with a priest, a month before your wedding day to complete the required documentation.
Godparents of “Velación” should be exemplary and Catholic people. They can not be people of other religious faith, or someone indifferent to the Faith. They can not be godparents who are cohabiting or are married civilly.
It is very important to seek the Sacrament of Confession one day before the Marriage. They can not celebrate this sacrament without confession.
Confessions: Saturdays from 4pm to 5pm or make an appointment in advance with the priest. There is NO Confessions on Rehearsal Day.
If you change your residence or phone number, please let us know. The priest who will prepare your wedding will be confirmed in office when starting the process for the Sacrament of Marriage.